Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Something New...Finally!!

Okay, so I got a free moment today (only had one kid around!) so I decided to try to take some pictures of Mr. Brody. You may remember him from an earlier post. Well, he is 3 months old now and I have the pleasure of babysitting him a couple of times a week (which just breaks my heart, ya know!). Well, I have him more this week than ever before so it gave me extra chances to "shoot" him. The sun was in and out of the clouds today and since I take most of my pictures in front of the huge windows here in my house using natural light, I didn't end up getting them in focus quite how I wanted but here is what I got. Just wanted to share!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Long time...

Sorry I haven't been posting in quite some time. Not long after my last post, my husband and I got our first set of foster kids!! They keep me super busy but even more than that, I have lots of pictures of them but I can't post them on here due to privacy of the kids in foster care:( I do have some of my gorgeous nieces from their visit in May so I'll have to post them, just not right this second. Well, that's all I have to share for now. Check back soon!